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  • CEEId: Official short version name for 'Central and Eastern Europe ID'.

  • xID: Internal name of our CEEId identifier.

  • CEEId ID: Deterministic identifier of the user used for retargeting and profiling mechanisms.

  • Token / CEEId ID Token:: Encrypted version of xID

  • HEM: Normalised and encrypted email representation using SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit) a cryptographic hash function.

  • DSP: DSP stands for Demand-Side Platform. A DSP is a software platform used by advertisers and agencies to purchase digital advertising space in an automated manner. It allows advertisers to buy ad inventory across multiple ad exchanges and publishers through real-time bidding (RTB) and programmatic advertising.

  • Publisher: A publisher refers to a company, organisation, or individual that owns and operates a digital platform where advertising space is available for sale.

  • Advertiser:An advertiser is an individual, company, or organisation that pays for advertising space or time to promote their products, services, or brand to a target audience.

  • DMP: DMP stands for Data Management Platform. It is a technology platform used by advertisers, publishers, and marketers to collect, organize, analyze, and activate large volumes of data from multiple sources for targeted advertising and marketing campaigns.

  • ltid: Local Longterm Cookie / Local Longterm ID - special cookie which value uniquely identifies the browser and is intended to have a very long lifespan (enabling non-logged users targeting).

  • Bid Stream: The flow of data in real-time bidding (RTB) advertising environments. In the context of digital advertising, real-time bidding is a process where ad impressions are bought and sold through automated auctions in real time.

  • EIDS: EIDs, or external IDs, in the context of real-time bidding (RTB), are unique identifiers associated with various entities involved in the advertising ecosystem. These entities can include publishers, users, devices, and advertisers. EIDs play a crucial role in facilitating the exchange of data and information between different platforms and systems during the RTB process.

  • Encryption / Tokenisation: Encryption is the process of converting sensitive information or ordinary data into an unreadable form, called ciphertext, using an algorithm and a secret key. The purpose of encryption is to ensure data confidentiality and security by preventing unauthorised access to the original data.

  • Decryption: It is the reverse operation of encryption, which is the process of converting plaintext into ciphertext using an encryption algorithm and a secret key.

  • AES: AES stands for Advanced Encryption Standard. It is a symmetric encryption algorithm used to secure sensitive data by converting plaintext into ciphertext. AES is widely adopted and considered one of the most secure encryption algorithms available today.